S2Ep04 Building Muscle Memory

January 8, 2024

Good morning from Milano. What’s on my mind this morning is something that came to me when I woke up. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I have been training myself to linger in bed a little bit longer in the morning. I’m one of those people who loves to jump out of bed and get going. However, I do think it’s very important that we pay attention to liminal space, when we’re between the dream world and the waking world, in particular. It’s a time that’s ripe with insights, when many thoughts can pop into your head

Anyway, I woke up to a very long message from one of my friends, and because I was in that liminal  space, a lot of insight came to me as she was speaking. I decided to record my response to her immediately because when I get these messages, if I don’t respond right away, I either have to go back listen to them a second time, or I totally forget the juicy insights that came up as I was listening the first time.

So I recorded the message back to her and then, as I was getting ready to sit for my morning time, I was listening to my own long response to and as I was listening, what came to me was that it may be something I should share on Dear Constance. So, share, I shall.

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