S2Ep25 Words Can Make Or Break Us

February 26, 2024

Good morning from Milano. I opened my computer this morning to the blog of one of my favorite people in the world, Nancy Aronie. Nancy, whom I’ve mentioned many times,. is the woman who leads the legendary Chilmark Writer’s Workshop. It’s called Writing from the Heart. She’s 82 at this point and her blog comes rather sporadically, but I always read it and the first paragraph reads I hope you all get to age 82. For those of you who have passed this ancient number, you might know what I’m about to say. It’s that if you live long enough, it’s possible that your dreams may actually come true. They’re not dreams deferred. They’re just delayed a bit and they don’t always look like the original dream.

That caught my eye. I read on and Nancy recounts that when she was around 12 years old she said to her sister I’m going to be an artist, to which her sister Betsy promptly replied you can’t be an artist. I’m going to be an artist. You have to be a writer. and then she says being the dutiful baby sister, I complied. She became the artist, and I did as I was told and became a writer. It was great to read this because I was actually in Nancy’s home this past summer one day at the end of the writer’s workshop and I saw her sharing and talking about her art with someone. I didn’t want to interrupt, but I surmised that she had submitted her artwork to an exhibition and actually won a prize.

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