S2Epidose55 It’s An Inside Job

Good morning from New York City. What’s on my mind this morning is this expression that I use a lot, and I’m going to tell you what it is in a minute You know when you read something or you hear something and you go Oh, I love that, and you immediately internalize it? It […]

S2Episode54 Playing The Long Game Of Life

Good morning from New York City. I woke up this morning thinking about a dinner I had recently. By way of background, this is a person who is between jobs right now. A couple months ago we were at dinner, and he was telling me about an interview he had that he didn’t feel good […]

S2Episode53 Pause Before Hitting Send

Good morning from New York City. What’s on my mind this morning is ‘The Gift of Fear’. I don’t know if you’ve read that book. I bought it and I never read it. It came up in a memoir I’m reading right now called ‘The Friday Afternoon Club’. It’s by Griffin Dunne. Griffin is the […]

S2Epidose51 Taking Action On Recurring Thoughts

Good morning from New York City. Before I get started this morning, I want to say that I am publishing Dear Constance on Tuesdays and Fridays. You can count on that at this point. I may miss it occasionally, but it’s Tuesdays and Fridays. I’ve noticed that my listenership has fallen off a little bit […]

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Jim Conley – Senior Executive
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