Good morning from Madrid. I am sitting here thinking about my girlfriend Tiziana. I went to a movie with her one evening and we were talking about her new company, and I said, how’s it going? And she said, really well. And I said, Oh, I’m not surprised. She said, you’re not? And I said, no, you finally decided. And she looked at me and she said, what do you mean? I finally decided. I went on, you’ve been thinking about starting your own company for years. And when you actually decided that’s when things started to happen. And she said to me, say more. And I said, well, in life, it’s often an I F T T if this, then that. And there are times in life when you don’t get to know what’s next. It’s not an if this then that. It’s not if I get a client, I’ll open my own firm. It’s about the deciding. It’s about saying, I’m going to give this a shot. I’m going to hang my shackle out and start my own company. That’s when you get the response. It’s not the other way around.
There is so much power in making decisions and in moving towards something you want, and this is something we know. There are millions of inspirational quotes about it. “Reach for your dreams and they will reach for you.” “The moment one commits oneself, then providence moves too.” We know this. We know there is power in deciding, yet we often walk through life with those things rumbling around in the background. I know speaking for myself, one of the lead supporting actors in the background noise of my head is you need to work.
Friends say I live my life out loud. That’s because I’m a curious, adventurous person and, as an appreciator, I simply love to share what lights me up. Consider this is your invitation into my fun, multi-faceted world.
From my heart to yours
“Speaking with Constance helped me to see myself – and my experience –with fresh perspective. I got great clarity and completely shifted gears. She totally got it. The experience fully re-energized me.”
From my heart to yours