S2Episode50 This Time Next Year

May 28, 2024

Good morning from New York City. Well, we had a lovely long weekend here in the United States. It was Memorial Day weekend, the official kickoff of our summer, and in the words of the great poet philosopher David Whyte I left myself alone. I spent the weekend with my buddy Dana in Greenwich. We puttered, and we were alone together in silence, which is for me one of the most beautiful things in the world and the sign of a great friendship. When you can be with someone and have that ease and not have to fill the space with chatter, that my friends is a beautiful thing.

Anyway, we had beautiful weather on the East coast, and we knew all along that Monday was going to be a rainy day. So,if I had to guess, I’d say I was one of many who took advantage of the rainy day on Monday to swap out the closets, put away the winter things, and set myself up for the summertime. So, this morning I’m feeling that sense of outer order, inner calm. Even though it’s Tuesday, I have that wonderful Monday morning energy. The reason I’m sharing that is I know many people traveled for the long weekend, and if you didn’t have that time to make order in your closets, this is my loving reminder. that it feels good to get that done.

So on to what I’m thinking about this morning. It’s a question that popped up on my Instagram feed which was a cause for pause and the question was this. At this time next year, what will you be thankful that you spent time on during the next 12 months? To me, this question feels play and like a beautiful invitation to think about what’s important. It’s not like, what do you want to accomplish? Or the kinds of things that come out in January. What do you want? What are your goals for the year? You know that I love that stuff. I love to direct myself and to be goal oriented. But like I said, this feels more like a sweet invitation to think about what is important to me right now.

The first thing that comes up for me is writing and the podcast. Of course, my energy and attention is being pulled right now in the direction of this new client I’m working with. I’m motivated and energized by it, and I know that if I’m not very clear on what I desire the risk is that little by little it’ll fall by the wayside and I don’t want that to happen. So while I’ve eased up my discipline around the recording and writing, as I sat here and reflected on the question, I realized that if I stay with it, perhaps with a cadence that is more loosely held, I’ll be very happy at the end of 12 months.

Again, speaking for myself, the other thing I’m thinking about is my health. I know I will be thankful to have spent more time on that over the next 12 months. So yeah, for me, that question is a great invitation to think about what’s important.  It’s making me think of a great line that I have written at the beginning of my journal and it’s this, where your attention goes, energy flows. So I’ll leave you with this again.  At this time next year, what will you be thankful that you spent time on during the next 12 months?

I’ll leave you with that for today. Until next time, from my heart to yours.

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