Episode 113 Life Turns On A Dime

September 20, 2023

Good morning from New York City. What’s on my mind this morning is the fact that life can turn on a dime. Yeah, yeah, yeah, we’ve heard it all of our lives, but when it happens it’s always a marvel to me.

I just received a text message and it says this” “Oh, Constance. I’m in love.”  It’s so funny because sitting at lunch under a month ago, this same friend said to me, “I’m so enjoying my freedom. The last thing I want is a relationship.” Now she was coming out of a long marriage and enjoying this expansive sense of I’m not accountable to anyone. I can do what I want, when I want, and I’m just loving my life.

I peppered our conversation with questions about that, and reflected back to her that maybe this idea of a relationship that she has in her head was old. That perhaps instead of thinking about not wanting the relationship, she should get really clear on what kind of person she’d like to spend her time with. Someone who shares her sense of adventure, her athleticism, her love of travel, whatever. I’m not taking credit for this, trust me, but within days after that exact conversation she was back on Bumble and she met someone.

Anyway, I know that life can turn on a dime also as it relates to –  I don’t know –  illness, death, divorce, loss of a job and those sorts of things, but the Pollyanna in me loves these type of stories because I love this idea of living in positive expectation. We never know what life has in store for us and life really can turn on a dime.

In fact, as I’m telling this, it makes me think of this fabulous Rick Rubin quote. I’m sorry, I always quote his book. If you’re listening to this for the first time, I’m obsessed with ‘The Creative Act’ by Rick Rubin. Anyway, there is a great quote in the book, it’s this: living in discovery is at all times better than living in assumption. I would say what was coming out of her mouth in terms of her future love prospects was just that. She was living with assumptions about what a relationship looks like, and it was an old one. I’d say our conversation shifted her into discovery mode and positive expectation and boy, what a beautiful thing. “Living in discovery is at all times better than living in assumption.” That’s a good one.

I’ll leave you with that thought today. Until next time, from my heart to yours.

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