Episode 42 Hello, It’s Me

April 7, 2023

Good morning to you from New York City. I’m going to read something brief that I wrote, but before doing so I want to give you some context. In a previous episode this week, I was talking about a free online class I’m doing called the Visibility Accelerator with Susie Moore. Susie is an executive coach and media expert. She’s the one that nudged me into podcasting and creating Dear Constance. This program she’s offering aligns beautifully with the work I’m doing with Will, my thought partner and media strategist, to find my voice in social media and expand my presence.

So, Will writes to me and he says Constance, I need a bio. We need an About Me on the website. I produce this piece, pecking it out with my broken wrist, and I get a message that’s like WAH WAH WAH, Constance, come on, you’ve delivered a third person piece, and your entire show is very personal and intimate. This hits a flat note. I need something in first person, he says. So back to my pecking, I pecked out a letter to the listener for my about page. I’m going to share it because Will says that I haven’t really introduced myself except for very briefly at the beginning. At that time, I was fumbling my way forward and I didn’t expect to have the reach that I’m having right now.

Will suggested that it was time to reintroduce myself here on the show because he, too, discovered things about me that he didn’t know. So, here’s my short piece from the website ‘About Me’ page. Perhaps you’ll learn something you didn’t know, perhaps you don’t care, or perhaps you’ll be inclined to share it with a friend. Anything you’d like to offer to help us get Dear Constance out into the world, know that it’s greatly appreciated. Here we go.

Dear Listener, Friends say I live my life out loud. That’s because I’m a curious, adventurous person. As an appreciator, I simply love to share what lights me up. Consider this your invitation into my fun, multifaceted world.

A friendly Midwesterner, I grew up in St. Louis and wound up living in Europe for 20 years, where I worked in the upper echelon of luxury fashion. Exciting times. I later moved to New York City to reinvent myself. Realizing a lifelong dream to be an entrepreneur, I built a successful international executive search business, Scout Talent, serving clients the likes of Chanel and Louis Vuitton. Then after losing my beloved parents and sister over a very brief period of time, I walked away from it all.

What started out as a brief sabbatical became a long journey back to myself, a protracted period of grieving, introspection and rewiring my operating system. Re-energized by travel, classes, philanthropy, and time with family and friends. I began to nurture my dormant creative seedlings. The first blossom is my podcast. Dear Constance. Itis an offering from my heart to yours, a creative endeavor to which I bring my whole self-unscripted, unfiltered, and unapologetically vulnerable.

I speak extemporaneously and share whatever grabs my attention or inspires me. Subjects range from thoughts on what to do when life tests us in reclaiming lost dreams to fodder from my life and snippets from conversations with my awesome, interesting friends. often end episodes with a question to noodle. Super short episodes of Dear Constance come out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday on all podcast platforms www.dearconstance.com. I absolutely love feedback, so please share your thoughts and ideas on any of my social media platforms. From my heart to yours, Constance

PS random tidbits about me. My friends are never surprised when they receive intimate short essays or thoughtful WhatsApp messages for me after a conversation. That’s what inspired my podcast. I value intimate conversation with friends and strangers alike and take great pleasure in connecting people. I interviewed over a thousand executives during my career as an international executive recruite. I speak Spanish and Italian, and I’m a proud Italian passport holder. I love to entertain, and I cook without recipes like the Italians who taught me.  I also make gemstone necklaces and can’t wait to show. I love to write love letters.  My spirit animal is the elephant. At a young age, my father taught me the importance of managing my mindset.  I try to err on the side of kindness always. Curiosity, awareness, intentionality, and courage top the list of my personal values.

It’s funny, there’s a piece that got edited out. P.p.s. I love peanut butter, and if you comment negatively, I’m not sure we can be friends.

As I was reading that I realized that there are many things I could have said or shared that I didn’t. It it reminded me of the episode I did earlier in the week about how difficult it can be for someone who is multi-dimensional, multi-passionate, multi-talented, to tell people what they do. It is challenging to narrow down 20 or 30 years of experience or a lifetime into a few paragraphs.

I  hope you enjoyed that.   I enjoyed sharing it with you.  That’s all for now. Until next time, from my heart to yours.

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dear Listeners,

Friends say I live my life out loud. That’s because I’m a curious, adventurous person and, as an appreciator, I simply love to share what lights me up. Consider this is your invitation into my fun, multi-faceted world.

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“Speaking with Constance helped me to see myself  – and my experience –with fresh perspective.  I got great clarity and completely shifted gears. She totally got it. The experience fully re-energized me.”

Jim Conley – Senior Executive
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