Episode 83 Addicted To Busy

July 12, 2023

Good morning from Martha’s Vineyard. Here’s what’s on my mind today. Busy-ness is an addiction. I have that scribbled on a piece of paper that sits on my desk. I have no idea why I wrote that down nor where it came from.  I’m thinking about it today because my friend Sara has been with us for the last few days visiting and just this morning as we were getting ready to go to the airport, she said, Hey Con, since I arrived, I’ve been on my phone 26% less than usual, and I thought, aha, you really hit vacation mode.

I was thinking about when I first got here on the island. We’re in a two-story home and my bedroom is upstairs. When I’d come downstairs from my morning practice and realize I had left my phone, I’d immediately run upstairs to get it. Then I started thinking, I don’t need my phone. Why do I have to go upstairs? There’s a clock right there on the wall. Little by little I started picking up my phone less, or when we pulled away in the car and I realized I had left my phone in the house, I wouldn’t go back to get it. It’s been so liberating.

I also noticed that when I went to bed in the evening, I would be on social media and then too tired to read. As soon as I realized that was happening, I switched it up and I started reading before I looked at the news or social media, which I know is something you’re not supposed to do when you’re in bed (but we all do it anyway). Obviously, busyness is not all about being on your phone. It can be about having to answer your emails or having to do the laundry or having the kitchen perfectly clean before you do anything else. It can be a compulsive need to get stuff done on your list. I don’t know, for everyone this addiction to busy-ness can mean many things. When I say addiction, I’m aware that addiction is an important word usually related to substance abuse, but you get what I’m saying.

I realize I’m a little bit stuck on sweet summertime because I’m in that mode, yet I’d like to say an awareness to your addiction to busy-ness and choosing to do something about it is also about being more present to your life and more present to those around you –  and presence is such a precious gift.  I’ll leave you with that thought today. Until next time, from my heart to yours.

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