S2Episode02 What To Beget More Of In 2024 ?

January 3, 2024

Good morning from Milano. It’s interesting, I’ve been having a lot of different conversations that tell me that people are really thinking about 2024. In fact, I’m in the middle of several sessions with one of my advisory clients and we’re talking about his business. He’s been grappling, thinking about what it means to keep his business and pursue other opportunities.  I think until now it’s felt more like he’d have to leave what he’s doing to do something else. So, we’ve been playing around with this idea of what it might look like to put and in there.  To do this and that.

Anyway, things have progressed and what I’ve noticed is that – sort of out of nowhere – he’s been getting flooded with ideas. The word that keeps coming up for me that I keep thinking about is the word beget. Ideas beget ideas. Of course you can put beget with any word. Thinking about the word beget prompted me to Google it, and here are the other words that came up. To provoke, generate, touch off, bring to pass, engender, inspire. I love it because it makes me question, what do I want more of because whatever it is, it begets more of the same. Creativity begets creativity. Kindness begets kindness. Openness begets discovery. Experimentation begets ideas.

I guess I’d say that the word beget is prompting me to think about what I want to provoke or engender or generate in my life. What do I want more of? I’ve been thinking about my friend, Sara. She  told me that she just got a guitar for Christmas and when we started talking about the guitar, she said to me, you know, my whole family is musical and I love music and it’s a way to have more music in my life. I like that the purchase of the guitar begets more connection with her very musical family. So that’s one thing I’ve been thinking about these days.

Another thing I’ve been thinking about is this delicate balance between being clear and focused on what I want and trusting and allowing things to come to pass, to come to be, to happen in my life. It’s interesting because the concepts of agency and locus of control and directing your thoughts are very important to me. Yet at the same time, I’m always working on allowing and trusting and cultivating patience. Looking for clues. It’s a fine balance. It’s difficult. I would say that it’s one of the things that most challenges me or perhaps one of the ways I like to challenge myself. This balance between making shit happen and trusting and allowing and being patient. So yeah, those are some of the things I’m thinking about.

Beget. What do I want more of? What do I want to spark in my life? because I know when I’m clear on it, I attract more of that into my life. And then the other thing I’m thinking about is what is it that I really want and how to strike the balance between time, energy and effort versus trusting that things will happen for me and I’ll be shown the way. So that’s what’s on my mind these days.

I’ll leave you with that until next time from my heart to yours

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