S2Episode13 Doing New Things Fuels Our Aliveness

January 29, 2024

Good morning from Milano. I’m excited to start this week with two fun announcements. The first is that the Dear Constance website is live. It’s something I’ve been working on for many months. And yes, we’ve had a website but it was one of those plug and play websites. I couldn’t really do anything with it. Now we’re working on the backend and the search engine optimization.

I’m laying the foundation to get Dear Constance out in the world in a bigger way. What that means is I hope to be submitting articles for publication, I’m trying to make it easier for you to share episodes, and that will really boost the algorithm.  So if you’re enjoying the podcast and appreciating the work I’m putting out in the world, please know that one of the most important and helpful things you can do is to write a review, share the podcast, engage with the website, leave comments and that’s it. This will really boost the algorithm, so thank you in advance to any of you who do take the time to interact with the website.

Herein related is the first rocket fuel call this coming Sunday at 4pm New York time. If you would like to partake in the call, you need to sign up on the website Go to www.dearconstance. com. There’s a page called rocket fuel and a brief two minute message to tell you what that’s all about.  When you go in, click on either episode alerts on the homepage – or the I’m in send me updates – and there are two boxes that you check, one if you’d like to receive alerts when the episodes drop and the second box is to join the Rocket Fuel Group.

I realize there isn’t much runway here, so I do hope that you’ll sign up right now. Don’t put it off. Sign up right now so that you know about the Rocket Fuel calls. I believe we will have playbacks of those calls, but I’m not sure. I want to thank a Dear Constance listener, Megan from Chicago, who volunteered to host our first rocket fuel call. Thank you, Megan. I really appreciate you.

So I think I’m going to end today by offering a question which is very much related. It something that I heard from a mentor of mine, Chip Conley, one of the co-founders of the Modern Elder Academy. I think I read that it’s a question he asks people he’s meeting for the first time, or in a social situations. It’s this. What are you a beginner at these days? What are you doing in your life that’s new for you? Speaking for myself, I love that question because I think it’s a great way to remember that I really value going out of my comfort zone, being curious and being game to try new things. It’s particularly appropriate today because for me organizing this rocket fuel call is something that I’ve never done before, and it does make me a little bit uncomfortable. I’m definitely going out of my comfort zone on this. In fact, I’m happy that I had the wherewithal to ask for help because I’m not that person that’s going to organize the back end. It’s already difficult enough for me to show up to lead that call. In fact, being very honest, I’ll tell you I actually built the rocket fuel page  – and I spent the time and the money to incorporate that into the website – because I knew that I would talk myself out of doing the call.

Another piece of that is when I ran across that short on Instagram the first time – when I heard Jesse Itzler talking about this three step process to live a life you love. It absolutely electrified me. I think it’s really, really important that we learn to pay attention when our body gives us such a strong signal. I was absolutely electrified, and yes I could very easily have written it off as a fleeting moment and talked myself right out of it. So there you have it. I really hope that if you’re remotely curious about participating on Sunday, you’ll take the time to tune in. What do you have to lose?  And as a side note, you’ll be supporting me in being a vulnerable beginner.

For those of you who may be hearing this word rocket fuel or hearing about rocket fuel for the first time, go on to the website. On the rocket fuel page, there’s a short two minute recording that tells you what this is about. The net net here is that it’s really about doing the thinking and bringing the intention to creating a life you love, and being with other people that want to do the same thing. It’s really as simple as that.

Given that this is all new to me, between the website and rocket fuel, forgive me in advance for any snafus we may have. we will do our very best to get the zoom link out to those of you who want to join our call. I’m really curious to see who shows up.

That’s all for today. Until next time, from my heart to yours.

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